Celebrate Fall Fest with us, Market Customers!
Our Fall Fest is this Saturday, September 28th, at Hayden Market, 9:00 am – 1:30 pm. It’s so much fun for the whole family, with our vendors adding pumpkins, squash, and corn stalks to their stands as well as some offering fall goodies, like apple cider and candied apples. There will be activities including pumpkin painting, scarecrow making, and a ton of seasonal fun. Activities are free but donations to support our Power of Produce (PoP) Club for kids are welcome! Come enjoy a fun day with everyone.
TerraTopia Farm: TerraTopia will have apples again this week, both Liberty and Honeycrisp varieties. Other produce includes tomatoes (sauce, slicers, and cherries) and garlic. We will, of course, have our regular offering of raw goat milk, cheeses, caramel sauce, and jams/jellies (hot pepper, garlic and fruit).
Winifred Farms: Happy Fall Fest from Winifred Farms! Last week we welcomed Fall and our first really cold temps of the season. We were hit pretty hard with frost last weekend and are sad to report that the zinnias didn’t make it, and we were left with only a few viable celosia plants. We were able to salvage quite a few dahlias and will have these beauties along with everybody’s favorite- eucalyptus; available in bouquets as well as in fresh bunches for the shower. With more cold night ahead, it looks like this will be our last market of the season, so we are bringing EVERY Flower we can cut! Be sure and come by and say hi and bye for the season! We have a few on-farm educational experience for young learners coming up, so feel free to come by and get signed up or ask questions!
Royal Highlands Produce: Stock up at Royal Highlands on bags of red onions, yellow onions, red potatoes and Yukon Gold potatoes!! Plus get some amazing winter squash and garlic to store!
Mountain View Farm: ‘Tis the season for a hot mug of cider! This Saturday, Susi will be serving hot cider and selling mulling spices packets so people can make their own as the weather gets cool and crips. Come by and taste the deliciousness!
Ramstead Ranch: Ramstead Ranch has delicious, truly pasture raised pork chops on sale for fall stock-up. 🍃🍂🍁 Come on by for savings on 1 lb packages of 100% grassfed ground beef and ground lamb. And, we’ve got answers to your questions about bulk orders, too. 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 and whole beef are getting delivered weekly, now through the end of market! Bulk pork is available, too – see our pork chop recipe at the bottom of this post. See you Saturday!
Kerr Microgreens: We will have a nice selection of FALL FEST microgreen crops this Saturday! Sunflowers, Peas, Radishes, Salad Mix, Broccoli, Pak Choi Cabbage, Kale, Rutabaga, Arugula, Cantaloupe, Cilantro, Mustard, Beets, and Basil. Come out to enjoy a fun family day! To order ahead find us at: kerrgreens.com
Blue Wildrye Farm:We’re releasing some new products this week! We usually make most of our pork bellies into bacon, but each year, I reserve one pig for fresh pork belly. At $12/lb, make your own bacon, restaurant-style burnt ends, or Asian inspired pork belly. Beef oxtails are also $12/lb. Berkshire Pork Hams – great for the holidays! – are $15/lb. Order online on Thursdays for Saturday pick up at the Market through October! [ https://app.barn2door.com/bluewildrye/all ]
Kiss My Biscotti: Fall is finally here and Kiss My Biscotti will have their seasonal Pumpkin Spice Latte Biscotti available Saturday, a customer favorite! Also fall favorites Maple Pecan, Ginger and Maple, Apple Pie and Toffee and Chocolate Scones!
Narrow Way Coffee Roasters: It’s going to be a gorgeous day at Fall Fest! Grab a smooth cup of coffee before you stroll the market and be sure to try a free sample of our NEWEST COFFEE! Our Costa Rica Anaerobic has tasting notes of ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg that will surely get you in the Fall spirit!
Lake City Bakers: Our backyard pears are ripe and ready for our seasonal Pear Crisp! This hearty treat is perfect warmed up with a scoop of ice cream on top for dessert. We will also have lots of pumpkin and banana breads ready for you to take home. See you at Fall Fest!
Tea.Health.Honey: Happy Fall Y’all! The leaves are turning, so that means warming spices and all things gourds are here for the duration! This month, Tea.Health.Honey has added a pumpkin blend with less spice but a lot of flavor to our tea drinking menu: Autumn Harvest Black. Organic black tea and marigold petals are mixed with a pumpkin extract to bring a wonderful flavor profile but without all the spices. This makes for a versatile blend whether you’re making a hot creamy latte or an iced or blended beverage. It even pairs well with our Semper Fi Chai for those that want to add the spice along with the pumpkin flavor. Stop by and visit the Tea Lady and pick up your Autumn Harvest Black during the remainder of our market season!
Lake City Juice: Get ready for the holiday season with a juice detox or cleanse! I’ll have specials on both this Saturday as well as deals on 6-packs of fresh pressed juices. Stop by my booth and say hi!
Graham Publishing: We have TWO new releases: a kid’s book and #3 in the Wizard series! Stop by to see our other books (more than 80!) and chat about anything writing-related. They make terrific gifts or a cozy gift for yourself on a chilly evening. Come chat with us – Clark and Deb at Graham Publishing.
Beauty Bay Winery: Have you tasted our semi-dry Concord Grape and Dry Raspberry fruit wines? Stop by and try a sample! Our lineup also includes Huckleberry, Marionberry, Blackcap, and Apricot fruit wines, and all our wines all handcrafted right here in North Idaho and 100% natural.
Twisted Slate Brewery: We will be at Farmers Market this weekend for Fall Fest, serving Tri-Tip Breakfast Burritos, Tri-Tip Sandwiches, and whole Tri-Tips! Sorry, no beer.
Carpe Diem Crepes: I am continuing to offer my two seasonal crepes of Fall for September and October: “Pomme”: fresh sliced apples, topped with whipped cream and French sea salt caramel! And “Citrouille”: filled with pumpkin butter and topped with whipped cream & caramel!
Reminder: Bring your market basket for your shopping or a box for your plants. Our vendors also appreciate small cash bills, especially if you are shopping early.
On Stage Saturday:
Monroe Bridge

Recipe courtesy of Eileen Napier from Ramstead Ranch! Enjoy with Market apples and onions too!
- 2 Tbs extra virgin olive oil
- 4 Ramstead Ranch pork chops or pork steaks
- 2 tsp Dijon mustard
- 2 cups bone broth
- 2 Tbs fresh herbs, like rosemary, thyme or sage a blend of herbs works too
- 2 medium apples, thinly sliced
- sea salt and black pepper, to taste
Thaw pork chops and season with salt and pepper.
Add 1 Tbsp to your pan and heat on high until oil smokes. You want you pan HOT! Sear pork chops, about 2 min per side. Remove the chops from heat.
Lower heat to medium high. Add 1 Tbsp olive oil to pan and heat. Add onions and apples. Turn occasionally until slightly toasted, about 5 min. Add salt, pepper, and fresh herbs, and stir. Cook onions until they are translucent.
Whisk together bone broth and mustard, and add to the pan with the apple-onion mixture.
Nest the pork chops in the pan, making sure to surround the chops with the apple-onion mixture. Simmer for an additional 4 minutes until chops are cooked through.
Enjoy hot!
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