Artisan Food and Craft Vendors
Please read the Become a Vendor page before continuing on this page.
Do you create a unique, quality craft primarily from raw materials that you have not grown or gathered? Examples are articles of clothing and accessories, tools or ornamentation for home or garden, body care products, or food products not for immediate consumption.
The following are not accepted:
- Any product previously purchased.
- Any craft not created by the vendor.
- Any product which does not meet all government regulations, including proper labeling and product information as required by law. It is the vendor’s responsibility to determine these requirements.
- Any product assembled from a kit.
- Any product comprised of predominantly plastic or other non-recycled synthetic material. Plastic and silk flowers are not allowed.
- Any product with offensive messages or imagery.
- Any product having blatant copyright infringement issues.
- Products created further than 100 miles from the Saturday market site.
- Any craft which has not been juried.
All crafts and artisan foods must be reviewed (juried) by the Artistic Review Committee (ARC). Grounds for acceptance are based on originality, quality, use of homegrown/recycled/foraged components, artistic value, and theme related to farmers’ market/nature/ gardening. See Artistic Jury Information for further information.
Market Policies
Before apply for membership, please read the Kootenai County Farmers’ Market Policies and Regulations. All vendors must abide by these policies, regulations, and ground rules listed in the most current Vendor Handbook (found on the Member Resources page). All vendors, members, and non-members alike, must sign an agreement to this effect.
Artisan Food & Craft Vendor Application & Fees
Only 30% of the total membership in the Kootenai County Farmers’ Market Association may be held by Artisan Food and Artisan Craft Vendors, therefore it is unlikely that as a new vendor, you will be awarded membership in the Kootenai County Farmers’ Market Association.
Vendors are selected to fill the 30% Artisan Food and Craft category of membership based upon the number of years of active participation, as well as consistent volunteer effort and general support of the association’s mission and policies.
However, if you meet all requirements, you may be able to participate in the market as a Non-Member Day Vendor. Day Vendor fees (listed below) apply and no season passes are available.
2025 Artisan, Food and Craft Vendor Application
Click here for the Vendor Policies and Craft Guidelines.
Day Vendor Fees:*
- Members: Saturday, $40 | Wednesday, $30
- Non-Members: Saturday, $60 | Wednesday, $45
*Vendor fees are determined yearly and are not set until after the March member meeting vote each season. Prices will be updated at that time.